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Bridging Toward a More Inclusive Future

Posted Wednesday, February 9, 2022
— eNews
Footbridge in snowy woods

The Monadnock Conservancy is strengthening our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. Starting this month, staff and board members are meeting regularly with an external facilitator to examine any privilege or biases we hold and how they may show up in our work. This is a journey that has no end, but our hope is that along the way our mission will be accomplished in a more just and equitable way.

Our goal is to connect people to the land and fulfill our land conservation priorities in ways that open new doors, deepen relationships, address inequities, enrich a sense of belonging, and strengthen both our communities and the Conservancy.

A critical component of this is welcoming new perspectives, knowledge, and experiences. This is where the investment of time and learning on the part of our board and staff comes in, and we are grateful for the guidance and partnership of Dr. Diane Goodman, a skilled and experienced facilitator, over the next six months.

Later this year, when our next organization-wide strategic planning process begins, the newly gained language and knowledge will help us identify what inequities to address as we work to ensure that the future is both green and just.